Quick Pick-Me-Ups

Tuesday Jul 31st, 2018


Heat got you down?  Is your elevator not going all the way to the top? If you have a few moments, these simple things might help snap you  out of it: · Spritz your favorite scent in your living space. If you save your best fragrance for special occasions, smelling it can take you back to a fun time and put a smile on your face. Why let it sit in the bottle? · Pop a multi-vitamin.  If you have been dragging lately, you might not have been eating... [read more]

Try Strategic Fasting to Live Longer

Monday Jun 5th, 2017


Numerous studies have shown a positive impact on your health by following a fasting diet. Impacts of fasting include the reduction of chronic disease risk, longevity, and weight loss. Contrary to first impressions that fasting will leave you hungry, most people report that fasting actually takes their food cravings away. Fasting is not a "one-size-fits-all" approach, and success often means trying different models. Here are three approaches to try:   Sleep Fasting. To... [read more]



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